Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Here's the Scoop

The pathology reports showed that Mom has a bacterial infection called Klebsiella Pneumonia (or something like that.)  Apparently one of the pockets of fluid left over from the surgery-gone-wrong in Nevada became infected.  To combat this, they put in a PICC line so that she can get antibiotics intravenously for the next 4-8 weeks.  They also left a drain tube hanging out of her abdomen with a large bag on the end of it to collect all the drainage that is still coming out of the "mass".  The hospital released her last night (Monday) and then her and my dad went in to the hospital today to be trained on how to empty the drain and give the antibiotics themselves at home for the next couple of months.  Mom is not in pain even though the doctors say she should be.  She is completely awake and herself although she is exhausted halfway through the day and needs to take a nap.  Unfortunately it appears that there are still other pockets of fluid left in her abdomen that could also become infected so surgery may be unavoidable at some point in the future, but for now, she is home and hoping for a complete recovery.  That's the scoop for now.  Thanks for caring.  Have a great day.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Waiting for pathology reports...

Interventional Radiology was used this afternoon to attempt to aspirate some of the "mass".  They were able to withdraw two big syringes of a fluid that looked like pus, which they sent to pathology to try to get a better idea of what exactly the mass is.  We are waiting for pathology reports, which could take 48 hours or so.  Mom is awake, talking fine and the procedure was not nearly as painful for her as it was last time.  I will update when the pathology report is in.  She will stay at the hospital again tonight and they may put another PICC line in her tomorrow.

Friday, September 2, 2011

It's not over...

Mom has never fully recovered and today our fears of further problems have been heightened.  A couple of weeks ago, not long after arriving back in Snohomish, Mom started to develop a lump on her side.  It has gradually gotten bigger and is shifting in her.  After a trip to the ER, an exam with her family doctor, an ultrasound, x-rays and a CT Scan they still don't know what is wrong with Mom and what the "mass" is.  She finished the CT Scan and X-rays just this afternoon and was told it probably wouldn't be looked at until Tuesday; however, after arriving home from the hospital, she received a call from her doctor saying she needed to return to the hospital tonight and be admitted.  We were surprised to find out that her stomach, spleen, arteries, etc. are, apparently, all in the wrong place in her abdomen.  She is being prepped tonight and then tomorrow morning they will attempt IR (Interventional Radiology) to try to drain the mass.  If that is not successful, or if further efforts are needed, surgery will be required, however, the surgeon admitted that because everything is in the wrong place in her, they will be cutting into her blindly.

My brothers Jake and Jarom, and my sister Jess and her family happen to be in Snohomish this weekend visiting my parents so they will be able to visit mom in the hospital and hopefully be there for whatever has to happen tomorrow.  My mom could use your prayers again.  I will post as soon as we know anything.  Thanks.